Congratulations, you've just secured your ticket to the Grow Your Pet Business FAST! seminar. Seminar details are winging their way to your inbox.
Before you go, please check out this special one-time offer to get my Pet Business Premium Pricing Secrets....
How to quickly connect with affluent dog owners in your town, and have them beating a path to your door to use your amazing services?
Guaranteed to work even if you have LOADs of competition and ZERO experience of marketing!
  • Does your pet business fail to stand out from the competition?
  • Do you struggle to get quality leads for your pet business?f?
  • Does marketing confuse and overwhelm you?
  • Do you lack clarity and focus about what is your next best move to take your business to the next level?
Don't worry, this is NOT your fault.
Since the internet was invented, there's been a steady increase of 'social media gooroos' who pretend they know about marketing, but really, they are failed graphic designers who know how to use Canva.
They will convince you to 'post more' 'tweet more' 'blog more' and 'share more' so you can get more... wait for it....'engagement'.

But, as you've discovered, engagement, blog views and Facebook likes don't pay the bills.

You've tried posting more on social, and all that brings is more PITA inquiries from cheapskate prospects whose first question is 'how much do you charge?'

These are not the clients you need

You want affluent dog lovers who are prepared to pay high-fees AND who will refer their affluent dog owning friends.
However, don't worry, there's a secret way to connect with these affluent dog owners in your town and I'm about to share that with you in my Premium Pet Business Marketing Toolkit
In 2011 I started my first dog adventure business and did everything the gooroos told me, and NOTHING worked.
Then I had a revelation 'Fish where the fishes are!' so I spent 2 days in my local Pets at Home giving out leaflets and meeting dog owners face to face.
From that one weekend I got three new clients.
One started using me the very next week. This was my first £100 a week client.

Another rang me up 2 weeks later and has used me for the last ten years. Not only that but they recommended two other dog owning friends of theirs and between them they paid me over £100,000 over the next five years.

The third kept my leaflet in her kitchen drawer for a year until she needed help with her dogs. She's an older lady and not on social media so this leaflet was the only way of contacting her. She's now been a client for 8 years and pays £180 a week for our services.

Would you like the exact same formula I used so you can connect with affluent dog owners in your town, who pay the highest fees, stay longer AND refer their affluent dog owning friends?
Then click below to grab the Premium Pet Business Marketing Toolkit
  • This is a bundle of three programs that will show you how to create;
  • A Paper and ink Newsletter that positions you as an 'expert' pet professional.
  • A Service Menu that shows dog owners how your service is different and better than the competition.
  • A promotional upsell postcard that will effortlessly move your clients onto higher-priced services.
  • A compelling video advert that connects with clients and convinced them you are the 'expert' they are looking for - You can use on your website AND social media.
  • Story based emails get opened, read and which convert – I've written a million words in emails and this is the cream of my pet business email training.
  • And much more...
Individually, these programs would cost you £897, but I've bundled them together today so you can them all for just £97
To get full, instant and lifetime access to these game-changing programs click below now
What people are saying about Dom's programs
"The Paper and Ink Profits programs is just one of Dominic's marketing programs that I've taken.
I feel like Dom really cares that we understand the material he teaches. His marketing approach is practical and doable for any business.
You just have to follow Dom's steps and do it.
Plus Dom offers excellent Q and A advice for individuals in the group that we all can learn from."
Maria Fielding Agostini
Uptown Doggy Training
"I have spent most of my marketing effort In the last few years, on Social Media platforms.At the beginning, this effort had impact but with changes in algorithms and trying to keep up with it all, it was refreshing to hear Dom talk about using Paper and Ink as a medium for marketing.
Perfect timing to review what I was handing out to clients - they were all boring and fairly traditional, with very few being taken out of their acrylic holders in my waiting room!
Thanks to Dom's experience and support, I have completed a Newsletter, service menu, brochure, postcards and plans for putting together a welcome pack for new clients. The great thing is that I can take elements of each for posting on social media too. So a double whammy.
Thank you Dom for your honesty and insight into what makes a business 'stand out' from the crowd."
Judith Johnson
Everybody's Better
Premium Pet Business Marketing Toolkit
Standard Toolkit
Pet Business Paper and Ink Profits Program
Pet Business Video Kickstarter Program
Pet Business Email Mastery Program
Also Audio version of The Ultimate Pet Business Plan
Premium Toolkit
Full access to the recordings from the 2 Day Poodle to Pitbull Pet Business Bootcamp value £499
This toolkit comes with a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee.  If you don't think it is the best, most valuable pet business marketing program you've ever invested in, you just let me know and we will refund your money in full immediately.
Dominic Hodgson 2024