To every other dog owner in your town you are just one of the many pet professionals, desperately vying for their business.
They don't know why you are different.
They don't know if they can trust you.
It's not that they don't like you, they just don't know enough about you and how you walk/train or groom the dogs in your care.
And before any customer buys anything from you, they need to go through the Know, Like and Trust process.
Video is the perfect medium to allow pet professionals like you, to take your clients through the know, like and trust process.
Everyone loves watching dogs on video, so whether you are a dog walker, a dog trainer or a dog groomer you can (and should) be using video to cement your expert status.
But you can't do video, can you? You forget your words and get that dry mouthed panic as soon as someone points a camera at you, and you aren't technical enough to hold a camera, never mind film with one!
And you don't need a fancy DSLR camera or have any previous videoing experience at all to do this course. All you need is a smart phone and to follow the simple step-by –step instructions that are laid out for you in the '7 Day Video Kickstarter'.
As the name suggests, this is a 'Kickstarter', and I've designed it so you can get cracking straight away. Each module shows you one tried and tested way to easily create interesting videos that your prospects actually want to watch. And I've enlisted the help of my go-to resident video expert and good friend Alex 'The Video Guy' Wardle.